Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > to neuter or not

to neuter or not

20 9:12:50

Hi please could you advise me if I should neuter my Siberian husky Dax. He is just over a year old. He seems to be quite aggressive at times. My mom has a spayed Labrador and when he plays with her besides trying to mate with her constantly he is very aggressive and sometimes I think he might seriously hurt her. He only plays with her once or twice a week. As he is my only dog at this time I like to take him there as he loves other animals but he gets so aggressive.

Also he is extremely hyperactive and marks his territory everywhere, even on friends couches.

I do walk him twice a day and a few times a week he goes to the beach, I let him off the lead and he runs and swims.

he is an extremely spoilt dog and we treat him like a child with lots of attention and kisses and hugs. I talk to him all the time, he is an inside dog and sleeps on our leather dog and on the bed when he like but he prefers the floor as its colder.

My boyfriend has been reluctant to neuter him but I wonder if it might calm him down?

No words can describe how much I love my dog and I don't want to hurt him in anyway for my own selfish reasons.

Someone told me a while ago that a dog looses it's soul if you neuter it. I have have heard from other that it is better for them if you do.

Dax has a very bad reputation with my friends and family members for being extremely unruly. He did attend a few puppy lessons but hasn't for a while. He is very clever and can open doors and give his left and right paws if you point to either.

Sorry this is so long, any advice would be very much appreciated and welcome.

Thank You  

The simple answer is neuter.  There is no harm to the dog and it provides numerous advantages.  Neutering calms dogs down, decreases "wander-lust", can reduce territory marking, and often causes dogs to become much less aggressive.

There is only one legitimate reason to not alter the dog:  if you plan on showing the dog in which case he needs to be unaltered.  As far as a dog losing its soul if you neuter - complete nonsense.

Get the dog fixed and you could see a lot of improvements.  Even if you don't fix all the problems, there have been several studies about unaltered dogs having longer and healthier lives, and my guess is you will fix at least a few issues if not all.