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Huskys chewing

20 9:16:10

I have an almost 2 year old husky who loves to chew on things while we are gone at work. He has plenty of toys and bones to chew on but only chews on them when we are at home. He gets plenty of exersize (at least 2 walks a day and plays with the neighbors dogs) He goes in spirts with his chewing. We first thought that leaving the TV would help and it did for a week, but now he is back to his old ways. We are thinking of getting another dog but are worried that they will team up and chew on more things. I would some day like to get new stuff for the house, but I dont want him chewing on it. Any suggestions on what to do?

Hi Kristin,

You are going to have to crate your husky.  No matter what you try, if he is out roaming the house he will destroy everything.  And you are right, if you get another husky, there will be a bigger mess.  So my suggestion is to crate him while you are gone.  He won't like it and will cry, bark, etc, but in order to save your house you are going to have to crate him.  

I have been there and done everything you are doing now.  I have had all my plants eaten, dishes broke, carpet tore up, coach riped, windows broken, etc.  I even had the inside of my car torn up.  

The reason why they do this is because they hate to be left alone.  Huskies get bored easily, so they destroy your house to show you.  The only thing that works is to crate him.  That way you know that he is safe inside your house and not destroying everything you own.

I hope this answers you questions.  If you have anymore questions, please ask,

Thank you and Good Luck,