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Huskies in Heat

20 9:09:26

Hello, I live in Arizona. It gets up to around 110 degrees Fahrenheit here.
We will keep the husky inside most of the time (that means we will definitely groom it constantly) but, I was wondering is this too much heat for them to live?
Would they be fine going in the backyard occasionally and going to the bathroom such?
My dad is feeling doubtful of adopting one because he believes its too hot here. I would take him for walks only in the morning and afternoon/nights anyway.

If they are in an air conditioned environment, they should do ok.  Summers they will be sluggish and just generally laid back, but walks when it is cooler should help.  The nice thing if you live in a desert area is that the temperature will often drop off rather quickly when the sun isn't around, and the Sibe will definitely want to play in that environment.  During the day, a quick trip to the backyard shouldn't be an issue.  Don't shave them, offer plenty of water and don't push them in the heat.