Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > just adopted S.Husky

just adopted S.Husky

20 9:12:02

QUESTION: We just rescued a S.Husky from a local shelter and she is wonderful! It appears she is trained and very time/calm which is a plus.  We noticed that her outer part of her vagina appears larger than normal.  We have had German Shepherds and Labs in the past but this dog appears to be larger than they were in that area.  Should we be concerned that it's an infection/abnormal? She's not irritated/licking it so we don't think so but want some advice. Thanks:)

ANSWER: Quick question before I answer that. Where your other dogs you've had been fixed before their first heat?
-Michelle B ^^

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One dog was fixed when we got him and another one was a baby lab that we had fixed when she was 9 months old.  The husky we got is probably 1-2 years old already.  Does it mean she is getting ready to go into heat? Thanks:)

If she isn't fixed, yes she will ether be going into heat, or just got out of heat.
If she has been spayed it is normal for a dog that wasn't spayed before the first heat cycle to have a larger vulva. If she has had puppies it will be even larger. It isn't anything to be worried about.
-Michelle B ^^