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Old dog

20 9:08:26

My neighbor has 3 huskies, 2 young and 1 older that is ill. Today we heard one yelping so we looked outside and saw the 2 younger dogs trying to literally rip the sick older dog in half. Is this a natural instinct and what can be done to help.

Unfourtanatly yes that is what will happen if they are left unsupervised. I would of called animal control. The older dog should be in the house chilling and getting better, and well he is old he needs to be sitting on a fuffy bed and relaxing his old bones, not being killed by the younger ones. The 2 younger ones will kill the older one if nothing is done. :(
 To be fair all breeds do this not just Siberians. I have seen 3 Labs trying to finish off an older one.