Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Help! My dog is attacking me...

Help! My dog is attacking me...

20 9:12:12

QUESTION: My gf and I just rescued a pure bread Husky, 1 1/2 yrs old, the people at the shelter mentioned she doesn't like men.  When I first saw her she was

fine.  A little scared but was playful and licked me a lot. We had her fixed and she has kennel cough, currently on antiboidics.  Within the first

24 hours she has attacked me several times.  When I get up and walk across the room she jumps up and darts toward me, snaps, but usually misses

because I jump out of the way.  I've tried giving her treats but get bitten in the process.  I talk nice, pet her, take her for walks.  She seems

great and then suddenly out of no where she tries to bite me or does bite me.  I have her tied up because I'm afraid to walk in my own house.  This

tends to make her more scared and like me even less.  I dont want to bring her back as they will put her down if no one adopts her, and if someone

else does adopt her they may have the same problem.  I anticipate she was abused by a male...severly.  She is very very protective of my gf.  

She'll jump in between us in defense as if she was protecting her.  Any idea's or experience with this?  Please help, I'm run

ANSWER: Sounds to me like she has no respect for you. A dog that has been beat usually is fearful, she sounds like she is really domanant. I highly suggest finding a dog trainer in the area that can help you gain this girl respect. She has none for you and your Girl freind has become her property. It has nothing to do with protecting your  gf from you. The dog has claimed her because she veiws you as a competitor for rank instead of her owner.
Again because she bites, get a dog trainer that can come to your house. They can show ans exsplain how to handle her. Find a trainer that doesn't foucus on positive reinforcment only, find a balanced trainer. She needs a form of correction with the awards of doing the right thing, she isn't a balaced dog.  If she bites someone she can be put down as well. Get her and you help.
Any Q's please ask
-Michelle B^^

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry, I forgot to mention one thing which may be an important detail.  She seems to be afraid of everything.  If you move to fast, approach her to quickly, bump in to her on accident, take her to the wrong place, deathly afraid of escalators. She get's tense, very still, sits or lays down, won't move... as soon as I look away or turn away, she attacks.  Another thing I noticed when I give her a treat and she doesnt eat it, and I pick it up, she attacks my hand.  One last thing, it's very strange, she'll follow me around and wait for an opportunity to attack.  I don't know how else to explain it.  For example, I go to clean up her pee with a wet rag, she attacks my hand, I carry the rag to the sink and rinse it out, she follows me, I walk back to clean up again only using my foot to wipe up the area, she attacks my foot.  I go to pick up her bed / pillow she'll attempt to attack then jump on it like she's protecting it.  I think my dog is a french fry short of a happy meal.

She sounds like a hand full. She is owning all of the things you are "taking" from her, she is alpha. Sounds strange, but think about it all those things became hers, even her pee, its hers. What does she do if you step toward her when she is attacking? I would try herding her away using your body.
A dog usually backs down if you act like you are more powerful. Will is more important then strength, Just way to yourself, "this is MY house, and I bought you this" as she confronts you, she is using your fear to make you weak. Fear=weakness to this dog, always move forward.
She is messed up. But she can be fixed.
-Michelle B