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Bathroom Behavior

20 9:16:15

I'm not sure what is wrong with my 6 month old puppy. She won't go to the bathroom outside and just a few moments ago she eliminated all over my bed. She does have sleep incontinence, but that is only when her bladder is full. We dont repremand her for that, she can't help it. But, this is just gone too far.

I make sure shes' outside after breakfast and after dinner for about 1.5 hrs each time. Then during the middle of the day she goes outside again. But no matter what she doesn't go to the bathroom out there, only in the house. We tried crate training, that didn't work, all she did was howl for a month. What else can I do?

Hi Jaclyn,

Sorry it took be a few days to get back to you.  When she goes to the bathroom in the house, is it at set times?  Is she on a set feeding and outside schedule?  

Usually by 6 months puppies can be expeted to have control over their bladder.  Do you feed and give water to the puppy after 7PM?  To reduce from going to the bathroom in the house during night time, don't give your puppy water or food after 7 PM.  Make sure you take your puppy out after nap time, play time, and feeding time.  Just keep doing your schedule as you state above.  

Chosing a locating outside not far from the door for the puppy to be a bathroom spot.  Make sure that puppy is on the leash during this time.  Make sure to tell her to "go potty" and then reward her with a treat when she does go to the bathroom outdoors.  Everytime you go out take him to the "bathroom" spot.  When the dog elimantes in the house, take the stools, dirty rags, etc out to the bathroom spot and leave them there, so your puppy sniff them.  This will make the puppy recoginze this is their "bathroom spot".  

Near leave your puppy unattented and watch her every second for signs that she needs to use the bathroom.  When she does go to the bathroom inside, please clean it up as best as you can.  If they can still smell odor from their urine or stools, they will still elinmate inside.  

I can understand potty training a puppy is hard and stressful, especailly when they elimante all over your bed, carpet, clothes, etc.  Just try some of the things above.  If you have anymore questions please ask.  I really hope you get this to work.
