Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > howling husky

howling husky

20 9:11:54

my fiancee and I have just adopted a 2 year old male husky from the pound. He's really well behaved but tends to howl a lot when we are not around. The neighbours are getting a bit frustrated with him so we were wondering if there's anything we can do to make him stop doing this?

He is alone, bored and/or frustrated. I would try giving him a job while you are gone, get Kongs. Fill them with different good food stuffs and hide them all over the house (if he is left out) Try also giving him raw hides and other chewy things.  
 If passable get him a friend to keep him company, another dog.
A last resort, if nothing else works works you can get your dog debarked. They do this at the vets office. It is very humane and a simple procedure. I have never done it to my dogs, but I know someone with rat Terriers who has done it.
-Michelle B