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Huskies & other breeds together

20 9:16:32

I hope you can help!  We started out with a lab & when he was 4 months old we decided to get two husky pups.  (We are experienced Husky owners-our 1st husky died early at age 8 from a neurological disease) so we know & LOVE the breed.  The reason we got the lab was b/c I didn't think I wanted another husky but after we had the lab for a week I realized that I couldn't live w/o this amazing breed.  So now that you have the 411, I'll tell you the problem!  Our one husky is very dominant over the lab-he will sometimes just walk by him & growl at him for no reason & of course he is always in charge when it comes to bones & such.  We got this puppy & then knew we wanted to have 2 huskies so then we got the other one a week later.  (They are brothers)  But the second husky doesn't seem to have such a problem with the lab.  I guess my question is-do you think that we will have to find a new home for the lab? I read that if you have a different kind of dog from the time the huskies are young that they will be ok with another breed.  Can you help?  Also, if there is a/t else you would need to know to be able to help, please just ask-I really don't know what to do.  Thank you so much!

Hi Kimberly,
What you are seeing is dominance order being established in your pack. This process is quite normal and would have happened regardless of the breeds of dogs you have, 3 sibes would have done just the same. As your 2 huskies are litter mates they have already decided who is boss, but now they have to decide where your lab fits into the picture and this is what you see happening. You will have to be patient sit back and let them work it out. There may be a few fights at first but interventing will only draw out the duration of this process, but it sounds like your lab is already backing down. Once the dogs establish this heiracy the growling should cease and they will become a cohesive pack, every one knowing their place. I do not think it will be neccessary to find a home for your lab. But try to not set up situations which may cause fights over bones and toys.
I know how you feel about huskies I too find most other dogs pale into in significance alongside the Siberians love of life and huge energy levels. Good luck with your pack. I hope this helps you.
Faye and Husky crew.