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Walking peacefully

20 9:10:03

My wife and I adopted what we thought was a Golden Retriever/Lab mix. As she's growing we aren't noticing any lab in her at all and everyone we meet says she looks like she's got some husky in her. At 4 months old, I am now almost sure of it.
My question is, is there a way to walk this dog without pulling my arm off? I've recently tried a "halti" on her, but she hasn't gotten used to it yet. While it's on, she's constantly rolling on the ground or pawing at her face trying to get it off. When I walk her with a regular collar, I get one of the best arm workouts you can get.
Because of this, our walks are shorter then I would like them to be because she either gives up with the halti on, or I have to give up because my arms are going numb.
Any advice you can give would be greatly apreciated.

She will get used to the Halti if you don't give her an option. Just ignore her when she is throwing a fit about wearing it. Just like you would a child who you told can't have any more candy. Another thing you can try is a sensation harness. Or also called an anti-pull harness.
ANymore questions please ask!
-Michelle B