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feeding puppy?

20 9:13:08

I have a 10 week old 3/4 sibe puppy 1/4 border collie I was just wondering how much I should be feeding her because she seems to always be hungry and trying to take my other dogs food which there is no way he will allow her to do that. Right now shes been getting about 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 cup at night, she was getting afternoon feedings but last week she stopped eating it so I stopped giving it to her.  

Hi Megan,

You should be feeding your puppy 3 meals a day until about 12 to 16 weeks than it is 2 meals a day.  The amount depends on how much she eats within 10 to 15 minutes.  If she is eating her food all up in a few minutes and is still hungry then you might want to think about giving her more.  Make sure to measure the amount you give her before feeding her and the amount that is left in the bowl after 10-15 minutes.  That should tell you how much you should be feeding her during her meal time.

If you have anymore questions, please ask.  Good luck.
