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What to feed my Husky

20 9:11:18

I have a six month old Siberian Husky female that I am scared is not getting all of the nutritional requirements for her breed.  She is currently being fed commercially prepared dog food but I have read on many sites that a homemade raw diet would work best for her.  Is this correct and if so, what would the diet entail?  I would like to be feeding her only the best that she should have.  Thanks.

Many Siberian owners, and many dog owners as a whole, recommend raw diets.  However, I have found these to be expensive and can be labor intensive.  You can get the same, or nearly the same, with careful planning and it's often cheaper and easier.  If you are interested in learning more about feeding raw, I definitely would suggest looking into it.  If you think you can work with everything that is involved, I definitely am not against it.  Personally, I don't go that route.  Instead, I use a high quality kibble and supplement it.  Generally, look for kibble that has 30% protein, 20% fat (give or take a few points), and has main ingredients that are meat/poultry/fish based and not filler grains.  Then, with the Sibe's highly effective and efficient metabolism, supplementing it with some meat or cheese adds some extra nutrition for them.  Pretty simple formula really.

Raw is not a bad way to go, but I have yet to see anything conclusive that says the dogs are actually getting better nutrition from it.  So, look carefully at it, but I've seen happy and very healthy dogs on either diet.