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7 Yr Old Husky Cross

20 9:11:53

We have just adopted a 7 year old Husky Cross. He was fine the fist few day's, but lately he piddles on the carpet daily. Do you think this is an abandonment issues or could he simply be a bad dog? Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with this problem?

Remember: No dog wants to be bad. When does he do the peeing? I know some dogs are trained to potty on towels and such so he might think the carpet is the toilet. Does he drink allot? Does he urinate to frequently?
The best way to get the stench out is to use vinegar as a cleaning agent it works better then the expensive enzyme removers. To win the battle you have to get the smell out.
I will answer more if you would be so kind as to answer my questions above, it will help me figure out what we are dealing with.
-Michelle B ^^