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dog drinking urine

20 9:08:15

i have read through these questions and wanted to ask because I didn't see any circumstances like mine. I have a 12 year old shepard, husky mix. He was at the vets about 2 weeks ago because he seemed to be urinating alot more than usual. We did a urine test and blood work all came back normal. I just noticed on Sunday that he has been dripping some urine, I thought maybe because of his age he has incontinence. He has hip displaysia and arthritis which prevents him from getting around by himself. I help him get around for exercise and to relieve himself. Sunday I noticed that he was urinating while laying down but he was drinking it as he was going. He is eating, drinking and acting normal. I don't know if this will hurt him or if it's because of his hips that he is doing this. Any insight would be great. I have a home urine tester for him as well, and it's been within normal ranges.

He is probably drinking it to keep himself clean and also not be in trouble if he does Pee in the house. If you are worried about it I would get him a Belly band that has some absorbent material, that he can wear in the house. You are correct his age is the issue here. But it is most likely coming from the German Shepherd half of him. Siberians are considered old at this age but all my friends, I am I who have owned old Siberians they don't start really falling apart till 15.

Any more Questions? Please ask!
Michelle B