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husky agression towards pupppies

20 9:11:13

Good Morning....I know that Huskies are notorious cat haters/killers, but how are they with puppies?  My neighbours have purchased a yellow lab pup and my 5 year old husky sits at the fence and if the pup jumps on the fence or gets to close my dog growls and snarls. Do you think a  husky would hurt a pup?

Each dog is different, but as a whole, Huskies love to play.  In fact, a lot of Huskies kill cats they know simply because they love to play - and they play to rough.  As a whole, puppies get some extra latitude with adult dogs, and most Huskies love to play with them, and often play much easier.

It's tough to say from your reaction, but if your 5 year old husky has been socialized around other dogs a lot, his growling may be simply a sign of trying to get around the fence, not aggression towards the other dog.  However, if a dog hasn't been socialized a lot, may be territorial in this case.  My best advice - arrange a meeting on neutral ground and see how they react.  Generally though, Sibes love puppies and will generally be very good with them.