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agression while eating

20 9:11:12

Hello, I have a 4 year old female and operated had her since a pup, she is very affectionate but I wanted to get her a companion and recenlty (3 days)got a 1 year old female who is also affectionate with me. when they are together my older one seems cautious of the young one at times but they do not fight they played a few time and they can lay down beside each other, my questions are when I give them some food the young one hurries up to eat her bowl and prevents the older one to eat hers ( I know that the young one has in a short time became dominant) how can i prevent the young one from fighting if i want my older one to eat and will I be able to give special affection to my older one without getting her in trouble with the young one.

Aggression while eating is actually a fairly normal and common trait.  Your best bet is to feed them separately and allow the older to eat in peace.  Otherwise, pack order you must follow.  If the younger female is dominant, she should be fed first, greeted first, petted first, etc.  The older one should receive the attention after the first, and that should help.  However, once you decide to give attention to the older dog, the younger should recognize that is your right.  She has already been recognized.

Another thing to work on is obedience training which will help establish your leadership with the "pack".