Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > unusual shedding

unusual shedding

20 9:12:51

I had a Siberianbefore who blew her coat twice a year. The shedding was
intense, but manageable and short term.  Now I have another Siberian. He's
around seven and Ive adopted him a few years ago.  The vet believes he is
pure bred or close to it, but he doesnt shed like a husky. He sheds year round
and his coat never seems to thin out as much as i should. The undercoat gets
stuck in his hair and is difficult to brush out. Is there any way to help him
blow his coat?

Hi Lizzie,

Try getting him groomed by a professional to see if that that helps get some of his undercoat lose.  Otherwise you can try to groom him yourself.  Where do you live?  I know sometimes different climates can affect the way huskies shed.  Just brush him more and make try to switch his food.  I know some pet stores carry supplements to help dogs coat look healthier and I believe they are ones to reduce shedding.  Check your local pet store and see if you can find anything like that.  

If you have anymore questions, please ask.

Thanks and Good Luck,