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husky itching

20 9:12:05

I have several huskies and have had the breed for more years then I can count. Lately all of my males have been itching, touching their backs causes them to itch more. Two of them though are itching and have a sweaty odor to them. Siberians don't really have odor so this is unusual. Any ideas?

It could be Fleas, Mites, Thyroid, ring worm(fungal infection) shedding or allergies. It is hard to tell by just telling me they itch. You can look for fleas. When they have mange they develop "moth eaten" areas to their coat. Allergies there hair usually starts to fall out and they have goopy eyes.
Well you know what happens when they shed, the hair falls out. Mine itch bad just before they shed. I don't really know what is causing the smell, I do know that Thyroid problems causes dry itchy skin, the skin doesn't shed off like it is supposed to when they have this so they start to stink, because the skin starts rotting on there body.
Fungus infections the hair usually falls out also left with crusty spots on their body.
There is also Staph infections. You really need to ask a vet about what is going on with your dog.
What food do you feed? A poor diet can cause this condition also.
-Michelle B ^^