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Barking problem

20 9:16:30


I have a 4 yrs. old male husky and a 6 yrs. old female. He is not neuter yet, but she had been spayed (we adopt her in a shelter few years ago).

My problem is that suddenly he is been barking, jumping and chasing her everywhere she goes in the backyard. She can't lay down or sit or sleep, I mean he doesn't let her breath. Its starts aggravate my husband and me, because is constantly and specially at nights and early morning. I tried spill some water over him and told him: "No", "quiet", but no luck.

She is very calm and sweet usually but he ends with everyone patience. We was thinking about a put him a anti-bark collar the one that make a high-pitched sound it this will help, you never know with him. We think that he just want attention and be the dominant. He doesn't have this behaviour before, I mean so bad like now. He usually is very jealous with her about who is the first in be pet and specially about food, because when we got him he was the only dog and few years later he had to share everything with another dog. Please, advice me what we can do. Thanks,


Huskies are very highly strung dogs they were made that way to work after all they are a working breed, designed for one purpose pulling a sled. For this reason they do not always make the best pets. Having more than one they can be very noisy, and not ideal if you live in a small space. Huskies are very vocal when they interact with one another. I myself with 4 of them have never found a way to stop my especially noisy one. Using a  anti bark collar would most likely be futile. You can try it but huskies are tough and I think it would do little. I have never used one myself. I just try to keep them busy and properly excercised. A tired husky is usually a quiet husky. He is alos being dominant over your female husky so that does not help.
My answer is not a lot of help I know, but some times huskies will be huskies.
Faye and Husky Crew.