Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Peed in my bed!

Peed in my bed!

20 9:08:32

Hi, I have a 2 year old husky who just recently peed in my bed two days in a row. She only peed on my boy friends side, if that means anything. She is potty trained and I can leave her at home with my chihuahua and let them roam in the house with out any problems. She is not fixed and is near her hate date. I wasn't home when it happened, but I don't think it is separation anxiety. My boy friend and I leave our dogs home alone when we are work and haven't had to worry. Please help because I don't know what to do.

Thank you!


This is pretty common and the fix is threefold:

1) Keep her out of the bedroom.  There are a lot of reasons that a dog will urinate in a bed, but none of them should allow the dog the opportunity to do so.  This could be an area she is trying to exert a passive dominance, or covering up scents, etc.  In any case, it is unacceptable, and removing the temptation is always a good move.

2) Get the dog spayed.  There are a lot of behaviors, including territoriality, that can be alleviated, altered, reduced, or eliminated by having the dog fixed.

3) Return to basic house training.  Sometimes these "accidents" are the dog exploring what can and can't be done.  Returning to basic house training, while not always necessary, can be helpful in eliminating these problem behaviors.

Hope that helps some.