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Extra info

20 9:10:35

I have a 4 month old husky boxer mix.  He has beautiful blue eyes and a light coat.  He has a longer face and most characteristics of a husky breed.  My girlfriend is worried his face may change to look more like a boxer, which she doesn't like!  I assured her this would not happen, and of course we would love him just the same.  I guess my question is, how much do puppies change as they grow?  I have done a lot of research on their eye color changing and ever their coats, but how much does the bone structure and muscle mass change a dogs appearance?  I have never seen a husky boxer mix, so I can only imagine what he might look like when he is full grown.  Any information would be very helpful!  Thanks!

Unfortunately I have no clue how a Sibe/Boxer mix would look either, but while eye color and coat color do change with age (or at least, they can), muscle and bone structure only intensify, they don't change.  So, the head should maintain its general appearance.  And, while I don't know about Boxers, as a rule, Siberians usually get lighter with age with respect to their coats, and darker with respect to their eyes (IF things are going to change).  Hope that helps some and good luck!  And if your girlfriend doesn't like boxers, you can always suggest she get her own Siberian at some point :)