Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Huskie pees indoors

Huskie pees indoors

20 9:12:11

My huskie is rarely left alone and at liberty in my house.  She is either
outdoors, or crated when we are not at home.  We have never caught her in
the act of peeing on the carpet, but have found the carpet wet with urine
many times.  I am certain she knows it is wrong, as she is with us as much as
possible, but if I run out for five minutes to pick up one of the kids and don't
either lock her up or take her with me, she pees on the carpet.  I believe she
occasionally does it while I am showering, as well.  HELP!  She is 2.5 and a joy
in almost every other way!

Has she been tested for a UTI? It can be possible that she is mad at you for leaving her alone. If that is the case giving her something to do like chewing something (i.e. everlasting treat ball, kong or rawhide) this will distract her.

If you have any more Qs please ask.
-Michelle B ^^