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My husky Leo

20 9:08:02

Hi!So I have a 4month husky!Leo was born on the 15 of april, his not 5 yet but he weights 63lbs. He lost(dropped) his 4 tooth today, and I checked online, to seek some anwsers. Most Ive read was that husky average weight is up to 60lb, and my Leo his not fat at all. Although I did read that some dogs happen to be bigger than usual, depends on thier parents, but he is going to be huge. Not that I dont want him to get large, Im excited, but Im just curious. So exactly at what age will he be mostly likely to stop growing, and how much will you think he'll weight? Is this normal, what do you think? =)..oh i believe he usual gains 6-8lb every 10 days.

Depending on what lines he hails from he could be full grown or he could grow more, just like people grow faster or slower depending on their family background. I honestly can not answer this question with 100% accuracy. Your breeder you got him from should know this answer better then me.
 But beware, if he does get large, this is considered an abnormality in this breed and is not true to what this breed was meant for. He will be way more prone to back and hip problems. This is meant to be a mid sized dog because they where used for long distance running. A larger dog means they burn more calories and lung to body size ratio, their lung capacity is less then a smaller dog (a dog 50% bigger losses 30% of its lung capacity) This also means they have to work harder to air rate their blood hence forth they tire easier then your smaller Siberian. This is whey the Malamute (short distance freight) and Siberian (Long distance sprinters) are different breeds.

 Sorry for the long winded answer that you probably didn't want to know lol. But is was on my mind.

Anymore questions please ask!
-Michelle B