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zinc responsive dermatosis

20 9:16:28

Hi Faye:
Plz help, I have a 10 month old pure white siberian husky, for the past 5 or 6 weeks i have noticed hair loss and crusty skin patches around his scrotum, mouth and mostly his eyes. On visiting our vet i was told this was a condition called "Z R D". However the treatment prescribed has had absolutley no effect.(15 mg of zinc twice a day in pill form).If anything the symptoms look worse than before. Are there any other treatments for this condition?. He weighs in at around 26 kg.s but looks a little thin to me, is this an acceptable weight for a dog of his age?. Plz help im at my wits end.
with thanks. Kev  

Hi there,
I had this happen to my Siberian Husky too. They are prone to this. Some get it some dont. The vet treatment is probably the best thing you can do. I know cow tongues are high in zinc and I fed them to her and funnily enough she never had it again. As for the weight issue he sounds perfect to me. Most people tend to make thier dogs too fat. A Siberian is a very athletic animal and should look that way. A fat dog is not a healthy dog.
I hope this helps.