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Siberian Husky ears flopping

20 9:12:24

My Siberian Husky puppy had ears that stood up nicely at 6 weeks old when I picked her up.  Suddenly one morning during her 8th week one ear flopped flat and 2 days later the other ear flopped as well.  She is now 9 1/2 weeks old and both ears are still flopped flat.  Is there something I should do to get them to stand again, or will they stand again on their own?

They should stand on there own. Sometimes the ears on a Siberian do not stand. It is caused when the ear grows to big for the cartilage to hold it up. Something you might want to try, you usually see great Dane people do this, is tape the ear. Put a popcical stick on the inside or outside of the ear and tape the ear in an upright position. This it to help the cartilage get strength back instead of fighting a losing battle with gravity. -Michelle B ^^