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Husky loosing weight why molting

20 9:10:59

Is it normal for my 4 year husky to loose weight while she is molting?

I assume that by moulting you mean "blowing coat" in which the dog looses all the thick, cotton-like undercoat.  If this is the case, small weight fluctuations are normal.  Not only is the dog loosing some weight in fur alone, but because it is hotter, the dog will often eat less and will sometimes drop several pounds for the summer.  Just like most humans, even if the dog is in shape, there is room for some weight changes with little to no concern.  Keep in mind that a female dog, according to the standard, should be around 35-50 lbs.  A 50 lbs. dog that looses 5-10% of her body weight during the summer, but otherwise is acting healthy, is not too alarming.  Also note that while activity level will decrease, most of the dogs become more active at night when it is a little cooler.  If you are noticing this pattern, don't worry about it too much.  If you are noticing overall lethargy, changes in behavior, loss of appetite for more than 2 or 3 days, loose stools, vomiting, weight change of 10 lbs. or more, or anything like that, you would want to take her into the vet.

Hope that helps some.