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New Husky pup likes to bite

20 9:12:10

QUESTION: My Husband and I just got a AKC husky pup. She will be 3 months old Oct 22. She is a good house dog and almost house trained. We only have 2 problems with her: 1.she is afraid of her crate and will bark all day long if we have not exercised her so she is tired. she hates her crate. we want her to like her crate. The crate is in the kitchen where we are alot because/ i love to cook but she never goes in there by herself. we lay treats in the crate and put her food in there and she is so scared to go in and get them. How can we help her? 2. She likes to nip and bite. sometimes with we are playing with her or even rubbing her alot she decided she wants to nip and bite. we have tried everything from scruffing her, to biting her ear, to saying "No" to taping her on the nose and saying "no" to holding her muzzle shut and saying "no". she continues to do the nipping and biting; when we try to tap her or scruff her she gets more angry and bites/nips harder. she is not aggressive/possessive with her food or toys because/ i can take them away at any time and she is fine. I just want her to tame the biting. On Saturday she actually tried to bite the Vet after he gave her shots. she did not like him at all. she is around children in my community and we take her on long walks everyday to visit other people but she just acts this crazy sometimes. we are doing the 1 day a week training through PetSmart and using those techniques at home as well. We love her and don;t want a mean dog. can you help? PLEASE :)

ANSWER: To start getting he used to the crate, only let her have her toys and such if she gets them out of the crate. She cannot be given them anywhere else. Only leave her raw hides and treats in there unless you are doing other training exercises with her. Feed her inside her crate. She must see all good things will come from the crate. Her only problem is she doesn't want to be shut inside the crate. Pick her up and shut her in the crate for set times every day while you are home. Don't let her out till she is quiet, this means if only for a second. So shut her in with her food, toys and such. When she leaves the kennel don't let her take any toys with her unless she leaves and comes back inside the crate later by herself an retrieves one.
As for the biting. Stop playing with her. As soon as she bites, stand up turn your back and walk away. She wants your attention she will figure out that this biting behavior gets he the opposite from what she really wants. She is treating you like another dog and has to learn what manners she needs to be with humans.
Also for the vet. I bring VERY nummy treats for the puppy, their absolute favorite treats. When they go to give a shot I start shoveling treats into the pup. Belive me they won't notice the shot and the vet becomes the place where they get awesome treats. If I forget treats I  give a little pinch under the chin being distracted by that they don't notice the needle. My vet loves my huskies because they behave themselves so well.
Any further Q's please ask.
-Michelle B ^^

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you think that later after we have taught her not to bite will she turn on us just out of the blue when she is older?

ANSWER: A normal Siberian will never do that, as long as you are doing your job as the alpha right. She is just nipping right now because she is a puppy that is what they do it is VERY normal behavior. Have you ever owned a puppy before? The only dogs that turn on their owners 1, do not respect there owners. 2. Have a serous medical condition that makes this possible (extreme pain, rabies, lymes desiese) She is a Siberian, not a chow chow.
-Michelle B ^^

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QUESTION: Yes i have owned several outdoor and indoor puppies from beagles, chow chows, cocker spaniels and pekes. The dogs I kept indoors were the cocker and the peke and they didn't bit or nip. My husband on the other had has never owned a dog inside before. all of his dogs were outside. I am trying to teach him some alpha leader rules so he will understand. Can you give us some pointers on those? also our trainer said to keep her on a 6 ft lease while we are walking around the house so she doesn't get into stuff. Do ou think that is necessary? our dog really don;t chew funiture or do things she should not except for get on the couch, then of course we tell her to get off. She has been doing a lot better with the Crate since we put all her toys and food in there. she just likes to bark. But will go in the crate to get her toys (which I love to see). Any suggestions would be helpful. thanks so much you have been such a great heap :)

Just everyday routine stuff like, you eat first. Even if you eat a cracker or something before you feed her. Also before you give her, food have her sit, shake and/or lay down. This tells her she has to make you happy to earn her food. The leash isn't entirely necessary if you puppy-proofed (trash up, wires protected ect) your house, and shut the doors (or have gates up) to any rooms you don't want her in unsupervised. When you walk her walk with her, not be pulled by her. If you are having problems with a regular collar a halti, or sensation harness can be substituted (not a regular harness). -Michelle B ^^