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toilet training

20 9:08:23

QUESTION: We recently got a husky puppy, and she left her litter quite early at just 7 weeks (not our choice) but since then we have had a problem toilet training her. she is now just over 3 months old, and although there is an improvement in that she no longer goes on the carpet areas, she still uses the kitchen floor or our bathroom floor... when she thinks we are not watching she will come into the house after being in the garden and toilet in the kitchen. when she knows we are watching she behaves perfectly. How can i train her to always go outside or on the newspaper if the door is shut? Surely if she knows she should go outside when we're with her, she should know to go outside all the time?? We have tried all the sprays, the puppy pads etc and nothing is working

ANSWER:   Here are somethings that you need to rule out, you will need your vets help to do it.
1. Bladder infection/ UTI
2. Diabetic (it is a simple test that tests the PH of her Urine)

 Here are some behavior reasons that would cause it.
1. She is doing it to get more attention. (My friend had one like this, it was a Corgi, but she only solved this problem using a crate. When he peed on the floor he went in it and was ignored for 5 to 10 mins. He stopped doing it then.)
2. She wants outside again.
3. Bored, not enough to do in the house.

Hope this helps. If you want to give you ideas on how to break some of the problems let me know.

Another Question? Ask!
-Michelle B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We have a crate for her, and she has never gone toilet in there. So I will give that a try. However, if we don't see her go toilet on the floor, how do we put her in the crate and she knows what it is for?

I have had other dogs, 3 spaniels and a golden retriever, and none have been as hard to toilet train as her (we dont have them with us anymore). Everything else with her is perfect. She doesnt destroy anything, she responds to all commands (except when she spots another dog) and eats at regular times. I just don't know what to do about the toilet training. i am getting fed up of clearing up her mess when she knows where shes supposed to go :(

The answer to that is, if you know you can't keep a constant eye on her, put her in the kennel. Or put Child gates up between the rooms in the house so you can trap her in the room with her. Something else you can do, is put a leash on her and tie it to yourself, But keep her out in front of yourself so you can see her at all times.

 I think she is using the floor as a toilet to get your attention when you have stopped paying attention to her. Putting her in the kennel when you can't pay attention to her (like during dinner or TV time) will help you stop it. You can slowly give her back her free time after this. As soon as she pees on the floor you need to shorten her free time more, if she doesn't extend it more for the next day. I would only let her out and about in the house for 15 min blocks. She needs to earn her right to the home as a big girl. She knows better so it might not take to long for her to figure it out. Good= freedom and more attention/ Naughty= kennel and less attention
She will get it.

Any more Questions Please ask!
-Michelle B