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8 week old siberian husky puppy

20 9:08:24

i purchased a 6 week old husky puppy but it seems she has trouble walking and seems almost dizzy at times.  as if her hind legs are not working properly. we are very concerned and taking the puppy to the vet today. she is now 8 weeks old and the problem doesn't seem to be improving.  very concerned.

You did the right thing in taking her to the vet. I Suspect a few things from what you describe but your vet will need to sort it out.

1. Did they get a dose of Heart guard/Ivemec lately?
2. Back injury
3. Head trauma (bit by another dog, dropped on it head or injured his head some how)
4. luxated patella(s) (but this won't account for the dizziness)
5. Ate something she shouldn't have.
6. Hip displaysia (but wouldn't account for the dizziness)
7. Epilepsy

Hope it all goes okay and it isn't anything serious. I am not a vet so don't get all scared by my suggestions. Hopefully it is something simple. Let me know what happens if you can!

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-Michelle B