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Husky playing with a Boston Terrier

20 9:12:38

Hi, I currently own a 5 month old male Husky and recently, some relatives came to stay with us bringing a 5 month old male Boston Terrier. On their first day, we decided to let them play with each other and both seemed to enjoy it, but it was a little rough. What I would like to know is if it is okay for the two breeds to be allowed to play with each other, or if there are some precautions we should take if we allow them to play together. Thanks!

Supervision is the key.  My two Siberians love to play with my parents' dogs - two miniature schnauzers.  The size difference is great, but the four get along wonderfully and have a great time playing together.  On the other hand, a friend of ours has a chihuahua, and we would never leave her with our two Siberians alone - the play is too rough and the chihuahua doesn't quite have the ability to defend herself.  If you are careful and watch the interactions, you should be able to tell how far to trust them.  Just take your time, supervise, and seperate if you aren't sure.