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Another Husky

20 9:12:28

Hello there.
We currently have a 9 month old female husky. She is a wonderful dog and we love her very much. So much in fact we are looking to get a second husky. Recently we met a rescue husky who is female and 6 months old. I have heard many a number of thing about having two female dog.Would these dogs be a good age to still learn to get along? What are your thoughts? Our dog is very calm and reserved and knows we are the alpha dogs, we would make sure the new dog knows that our current one is higher in the pack order. I am sure there will be a few problems to start with as in all new relationships. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this topic. Any help would be great.
Thanks so much.

Well, same sex pairings with dogs can be difficult, although female-female I think can be easier than male-male.  In anycase, male-female is easier.  Any dog under 18 months is usually pretty good to introduce to another dog and still get along, so you have a good age on both counts.  However, each dog is unique and the different life experiences of each dog is just as important.  If you've spent a good deal of time with your female dog socializing her with other dogs, then that should help significantly.

As for your alpha status, it is important that the dog(s) recognize you as the leader, but it is not your role or your job to enforce the rest of the order in the pack.  If your new dog is more dominant than the older one, then he or she is to be treated as next in line.  It is up to the dogs themselves to organize their order, and only your job to respect it.  We got a female first, and then a male who is six months younger.  While he was a puppy, the female ran things, but as he got older, his dominant personality came out and now the female is submissive to him.  If I try to force her to be superior, it actually causes more trouble because the dominant dog (the male) would try to show her and me that he is to be the next in line.  The only way he can do that - attacking the female and showing his superiority.

So, I would recommend opposite sex if possible, respect whatever order the dogs present, and if they do get into fights, let it go if no one is getting hurt.  The few fights that happen in new introductions are good for establishing that pecking order.