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Invisible fence?

20 9:16:07

We have a husky/chow, 5 mos. old, female.  We have had purebred huskies in the past, but this was a puppy from a rescued pregnant husky and we couldn't resist her.  We were thinking of using invisible fence for her, since we can't have a fenced in yard where we live.  She stays inside most of the time, but we would like to be able to let her out without having to tie her up all the time.  We have heard huskies are hard to contain with the invisible fence, so we were wondering what your feelings are on it.  Thanks!

Well, my dogs are contained with a 6' tall wood privacy fence reinforced with an electric "hot-wire" along the ground to prevent digging.  I have heard very few stories of the invisible fence working well with huskies because of their drive, thick fur and general tolerance to discomfort.  I've also heard more stories of sores and infections developing from the collars being used on the dogs and trying to get the prongs to touch skin (tightening the collar too much, shaving fur, etc.).

Unfortunately, I would definitely discourage the use of the invisible fence on a husky if used as a primary means of containment.  If you have a fence and the border around it "reinforced" with the invisible fence, that might work, but I would definitely not go with it as the main line.