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New Husky Puppy

20 9:10:53

QUESTION: hi Michelle

I am getting a husky puppy in less than a month, and i want to be prepared for it, but i do not know how.

the puppy is supposed to be one week of age when i get it.
what do i do now, then, and after that.

ANSWER: How Old is it going to be???!!!

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QUESTION: it is going to be one week old.
what kind of food does it take at that age.
and what acomodation should i prepare.

ANSWER: I won't lie, it really upsets me that someone is letting you have a puppy at one week of age. I really hope that there is a good reason that this is being done....

They need formula, I suggest Just born or goats milk mixed with Honey and 1 egg yoke. It needs to be warm when fed to the puppy, you need a bottle. Anythign you heated that is extra after the puppy is done eating needs to be tossed. The pup will need to be fed every 2 hours 24 hours a day till it is 6 weeks old. Usually after a pup has nursed on the mother they can decide they won't eat what you are offering them. Have your vet show you how to tube feed if need be. But you will have to know how much that particular puppy eats, if you over feed when  you are tube feeding you can also fill up the lungs and drown the pup. If a little fluid get in the lungs they will get phmonia. SO BE CARFUL.

Also the pup CAN NOT matain its body tempurature until it is 3 weeks old. So you need a water bottle that you can microwave to keep the puppy warm in a padded box. Keep the bottle wrapped in a cloth since it cannot maitain its body temp you can also boil the puppy to death if your not carful. A heat lamp is helpful also but do not keep it very close the the puppy, again you can cook it to death.

I hope you have another dog. This pup if not kept with its mother and litter mates will not know how to act areound other dogs when it gets older. NO PUPPY SHOULD LEAVE ITS MOM BEFORE AT LEAST 7 WEEKS OF AGE. They learn how to act like a dog, and communicate effectivly (without using aggression) between 6 and 8 weeks of age.

Also because it will not be feeding off of its mom and it has NO immune system it will get sick easy and it only takes a few hours for a pup that young to die.

 I feel soooooooo bad for that puppy right now. It only has a 20% cahance for it to live if you don't know what you are doing.... This isn't fair its a living thing......

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Michelle,
i am feeling bad too now, i did not know this info till you told me.
i will check and see how come it is that young.
in any case i do appreciate what you advised me to do, and i will keep in contact with any updates/questions.

thanks again.

I also forgot to mention the pup doesn't even have its eyes open at this point. They don't open till around 2 weeks. You can tell what eye color should be by around 4 weeks (eye color can change till 3 months or better with amber eyed dogs).

Good luck, please ask a question if you are having trouble, but really try not to pick the pup up till it is older, I can see only worry and heart ache waiting if you bring a week old pup home. :(
 I encourage you to ask an area vet what they think, or for help someone who can be there physically for you will be what you need.
-Michelle B