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Housebreaking husky puppy

20 9:09:26

Hello.  My husband and I recently bought a 3 month old male husky puppy.  I have been working with him on housebreaking and luckily, due to close monitoring, he's only had a few accidents.  During the daytime when I take him outside to his "spot" he relieves himself quite quickly.  However, at night time when I take him out before bed he may pee, but doesn't do the other.  I wake up the next morning having to clean out his kennel.  We feed him his supper around 5 p.m. and take him outside for the final time before bed around 11:15 or so, but he only ever uninates.  I was wondering if you have any suggestions.  Also, the last few days he's only been deficating once per day (excluding in his crate at night).  Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?  Thanks for your help!!!!

A single bowel movement for a dog per day is not unusual, but generally puppies will have smaller ones more frequently.  As a rule, most dogs will usually defecate shortly (within about 60-90 minutes) after eating, so it is rather surprising to find that six hours later, he still hasn't gone and is waiting until he is in his crate.  Anytime a dog has regular accidents in his crate, I always ask to make sure that the crate is of proper size (no bigger than enough for the dog to lay down and turn around in).  It should be difficult for him to have eliminated in his crate and not be laying in it.

If the crate is proper sized, I would recommend some active playtime perhaps around 7 or 8 PM to see if you can encourage him to "move things through his system" a bit better.  A long walk around this time could also work.  Also, if you notice that he normally is going at a certain time, you may try to wake up slightly before and get him outside.  These middle of the night trips are probably just a phase, so I wouldn't worry about it too much, but do what you can to help him out.

Good luck!