Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Vaccination Protocol

Vaccination Protocol

20 9:16:43

Hello! I recently aquired a seven week old puppy. I wasn't really explained anything to do with vaccinations, or the appropriate schedule etc.
Is he old enough to get his shots now? Is there a prefered schedule?
When is it safe to introduce him to "the outside world" (before shots-safe? during shots? or only after all are completed?)
Please let me know,

Dear Nimal,
Different countries do the vaccination schedule differently. I am assuming you are in America? As I am an Australian the vaccinations are given at different intervals and we have less things to vaccinate for, and I am not real sure when. Give your vet a call, they can tell you what is due at what week. But try not to take your puppy to places where lots of dogs frequent until his vaccinations are complete. That way he has the least chance of coming into contact with anything nasty.
I hope this helps.Faye and Husky Crew.