Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Training/husky


20 9:17:01

A few weeks ago I adopted a (female) husky mix.  She just started to go over the fence and run through the neighborhood.  We've tried to block the fence but she finds a way. We have a trolley line for her but would like her to be able to run around the yard.  Are there any training techniques that would help / discourage her from jumping over the fence?
2) I have two other, older dogs.  She;s starting to play a little roughly with one of them. Are there any techniques that you recommend to discourage this behavior?  (The older dog has established limits and she doesn't bother him but she's relentless with the younger dog.)
Thanks for your help.  She is a beautiful, good-natured dog and I want it to work out.

Jumping over the fence or getting through a fence can be a very discouraging behavior for a person. There are steps you can take to end the behavior. You can buy a jump halter which allows the dog to walk but not to jump. Buying an electrical fence would sound impractical but would stop the jumping or digging or even trying after the first few shocks. Catching her in the act would help. Or even lining it with bobwire used for farm animals would do it. Though a jumping problem is persistance. It takes time and effort to stop a dog from jumping. You must let her know the behavior is unacceptable. Period. This could be by catching her doing it and then scolding her, not hitting her, just telling her no bad dog. When she is outside and your watching her throw a ball in the direction to the fence. If she runs to get it and doesnt think about it praise her. If she even looks at the fence tell her no and to come and try again. Persistance is the key. You must know what the dog is thinking. Example: Telling the dog to come she comes to you wanting to play. You hold the ball and make her all anticipated then throw. Oops! It goes close to the fence but you dont have time to react because shes already after it. You see her run after it and grab the ball and take a small look at the fence. What do you do? Praise her or scold her? Answer: Neither. You do not want to praise her for thinking about the fence but you dont want to scold her for getting the ball. Example two: same as above but this time she forgets the ball and goes for the fence. What do you do? Answer: Immediatly call her name and do nothing else for the minute. You do not want her at the moment to think she is in trouble or she will jump the fence. Once she looks at you praise her. She ditched the fence and came to you. Example three: You are outside just in time to watch her begin to jump the fence. What do you do? Answer: Yell her name and scold her. Chances are she'll be suprised you were there. All in all the dog should stop after a few weeks of persistant training. On the second problem: I wouldnt worry about it only if it is aggresion that is showing. If so break the fight up ONLY IF it is not biting and alot of ruckus. If this is the case do not attempt to break them up. Let them fight it out. This is only territorial and you should never scald the winner. Or you will have a second fight on your hands. Hope some of this helped!