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Siberian Huskies and what they eat!

20 9:16:27

We are doing a research project in my first grade classroom.  One of my students needs to answer these two questions about her subject: Siberian Huskies.  
Please help a first grader understand:

  What do they eat?
  What do they do?

Thank you so much for your help.  We hope to hear from you very soon!
             Mrs. Enter

I am very sorry for my delayed response to your question. My phone company decided to sever my internet completely and would not reconect it for over a week.
Now to your question.

Huskies in thier natural environment were mainly fed on a diet of fish and scraps the eskimos had left over after a hunt. Because of the severe cold they ate quite huge quantities of fat as well.
As to what they do well huskies were bred primarily to pull sleds, the siberian husky was a people moving dog while the Alaskan Malamute was a heavy freighting dog. Both dogs can happily survive temperatures of - 40 or less. I hope this helps you.

Faye and Husky Crew.