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want to buy a husky as family dog.. way too may advice websites

20 9:11:43


My husband, daughter and I are in love with Huskies. The markings, look, just everything. We really want one. Before I ask my question, know that we have a almost 4 year old daughter so keep that in mind.....

Any how, we've both done so much research and it's given us nothing but headache. One website strongly advises that no family get a husky as their family's dog due to temperament, dominance issues resulting in the husky hurting your child ect ect. Somehow, I don't believe that as I've never personally witnessed that myself with our VERY friendly well behaved past neighbors husky. And of course, the other half of websites say huskies are fantastic.

I would realllllly appreciate help from a real person with experience and knowledge with the breed. It seems from all the "advice" I've read, the middle ground of a husky is they  have a mind of their own and listen when they want.....but who doesn't?

So, would someone who really knows about huskies, please recommend one for our family dog? If all the bad stuff I've heard is true, I'll give up my daughter, but not a husky. Ha, kidding.

Also, if so, male v.s. female?

Thank you SO much,


I think Huskies are a GREAT family dog. If you get the right one. Always look at a huskies temperament. They are very head strong dogs which can be mistaken for dominance.
This breed was bred to do a few things, Pull, run, heard reindeer and babysitters the kids.
Male vs. female No difference a female or a male can be temperamental and they both can be sweet as sugar. It just depends on the temperament of the pup/dog.
This is the most useful web site I have found.
It gives the breed history and everything. (I know not another web site) But I think is is worth the look.
Owning a Siberian is like having another kid really. Sometimes they behave themselves wonderfully sometimes.... (lol)

Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B ^^