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How do I house break my husky puppy 2 mos. old

20 9:09:04

I just got a 2 mos. old Siberian Husky and I have no idea how to train him or house break him. To be honest I've never had any type of pets so I am quite ignorant in this subject. I've only had him for 2 days and so far he has done his business ALL OVER THE HOUSE which I guess is normal because I just got him, but in researching and reading articles so far I am clueless has to how to begin? I tried to walk him but he refuses to walk. It took me 30 min. just to write this e-mail being that he peed twice and pooped again! I feel like I spend more time cleaning up than playing with him,  Please help me =) any and all knowledge that  you could share with me is a blessing! My kids adore him already and I would hate to be like my mother who never allowed us to have any pet's hence my animal ignorance today.



House training dogs is pretty easy if done correctly.  My suggestion is to research "crate training".  It's the easiest and often most effective method, and Siberians usually respond pretty well to it.  There are plenty of great resources out there on it and it's a little larger to write than I've got room here, but start off with a trip to the pet store and talk to them about getting a proper sized crate and that should get you moving.  If you have other issues on it, let me know.