Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > My boy huskie 3 year old N his toilet habbits

My boy huskie 3 year old N his toilet habbits

20 9:11:55

QUESTION: Please can you help me I have a Huskie and we rescued him when he was 1 year old and he wasnt atall toilet trained we successfully got him toilet trained and with hard work we taught him to sit lay down and we are now practicing the leave technic. The only two problems we face are we live in a flat and whenever we go out we always come home to wee and number twos every where, and he gets aggressive when we try to take things he steels away from him do you know any ways from stopping this as he is a lovely dog but with two young children its just to much to cope with and I really don't want to get rid of him but feel if we cant stop the toilet mess we have to as my home always smells of his urine and dog dodos please help thanks Leann x

ANSWER: Before I answer this quick question. How long do you leave him? Is it an 8 hour work day? -Michelle B ^^

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No I do not leave my huskie that long I am a full time mother so the minimum I have left hime is half hour and the maximum being 2-3 hours while out in town shopping x x

If you are only gone for that short of a time I would keep him in a kennel indoors. He might not like it but it is key in his potty training also. . . I will tell you though he is messing the house because he is mad at you for leaving. The growling when you take back things from you tells me he thinks he is the boss and has the right to tell you  what to do. You will have to do leadership exercises with him to regain his respect.
They are simple exercises like taking him for a walk. You eating before the dog. Do not play tug of war with this dog unless you are prepared to win, EVERY time you play it. Alpha never loses. You might want to use a local dog trainer, positive reenforcement, to show you how to teach your dog to heel properly. I could explain it but seeing and doing with someone as a guide is so much better.
You can also try getting him some rawhides and such to chew on to keep him busy while you are out (only give him fun things like this if he is in his kennel.

If you need anything clarified just ask.
-Michelle B ^^