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Noisy Huskies

20 9:12:26

I have 2 Siberian huskies and they are nearly 3 so still young but big. they play ALOT, get quit rough with each other and get very noisy. i don't want to disciplen them for playing but how can i get them to quiet down. neighbours are whiners. my dogs don't play for excessive amounts of time either. what can i do?

You have 3 options.
1. Stop them from playing when they are being noisy and only when they are noisy. Every time they are Quiet let the games continue. Eventually they will get the point that you want it quiet they only want to play so they will figure it out. This will take lots of supervision on your part.
2. Do not allow them to play at home. Take them to a dog park or some place where they ARE allowed to play.
3. I do not suggest this but I know people who have done this. Get the dogs de-barked. This will have to be done by someone who specializes in it. It is painful if not done correctly.
-Michelle B