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toy sharing

20 9:11:59

I have a 9 year old female Sibe and just recently adopted a 15 month old male Sibe. They seem to get along well, except for sharing toys. My female only rarely likes to play with a toy, but the male won't let her go near them. Even when he had a few, he would drop them to take away any that she picked up. It got so bad, that he started fighting with her if she even went near any toys. I put them all away, but I feel bad, because now they both seem bored when we are inside. Other than this issue, they get along very well.

Unfortunately, sharing is not an inherent behavorial instinct in the wild and therefore is tought to implement.  My suggestion, allow the male dog to have his toys, and give the female dog something as well.  But only under supervision.  If your male dog approaches her to steal it, your job is to step in and redirect him to his own toys.  Basically, just be the enforcer of a neutral territory between them.  It's not the best option, but it should help and you should be able to see how the interaction goes.  Eventually, you may be able to make the dogs understand that they each have their own toys.  However, I can't guarantee that simply because that is a difficult behavior to teach.