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Thor and Zoe

20 9:11:56

My 2 huskies have just recently started to refuse to eat.They r both 6 months old.When i place their food in front of them, they try to turn their bowls over without eating.there seems to be nothing wrong with them as far as their health is concerned.they r still just as active and playful as they were at 3 months.Should i be concerned?

Huskies are known for doing a lot on very little food. This is what boosters the huskies fame as a working dog. The reason behind this it the Huskies Thyroid gland. It is at a Low normal. They actually limit the amount of food that they eat themselves. If they think that they have eaten to many calories, they will not eat again until they do enough exercise to burn the excess calories. A way to trick them into eating is giving them a job, like sit and stay till I open the door, or something of the such. The mental stimulus tires them out just like they ran 2 miles.
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B ^^