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My Girlfriend is pregnant

20 9:16:07

We have 2 huskies, a 5 month old boy and a 2.5 month girl. We are glad we got them, they behave very well and its great seeing them together (we got the girl after the boy to give him company). We have just found out we have another baby on route. My girlfriends parents, who have never seen the dogs and know nothing about huskies but do like dogs, are putting pressure on me to get rid of the dogs as they dont think its acceptable with a baby. How do you think they will react to a baby? I have been told thay should be ok but would like to hear others views.

First of all, any time you have dogs with babies, there are some things that need to be worked out in advance and prepared for.  Obviously your time spent with the animals will change, and that's something that you need to prepare for and in some ways - you already have.  By having another dog, I'm sure they will get to play with each other a little more, and that should help out with any attention problems.  You also have relatively young dogs, so if you haven't already - start obedience training.  This will give you a solid foundation with which to work to help introduce the dogs to the new baby.  The better trained the dogs are with obedience, the easier any change in situation is handled.

There is definitely no reason to get rid of dogs to have a baby, and in fact, it's only poor planning or ignorance that necessitates the removal of the dogs.  Start with the obedience training and then, never leave unsupervised dogs with a child (probably up to about age 8 or 10 anyway).  Huskies are very friendly and very attached to humans and their pack.  They often do extremely well in taking care of the new human "puppy".  The only thing you have to make sure of is you've seen how huskies like to play I'm sure - you have to make sure that line is drawn very early that the baby is not a playmate for the dogs . . . at least not yet.  Sibes are usually very understanding of this and are great with kids as a whole.  Of course, each dog is an individual, so doing things like introducing them slowly to the situation, letting them sniff blankets, starting off early (before the baby) about not letting them into the nursery, etc.  definitely helps.  If you have any more questions, feel free to email.