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My husky is in season(heat)

20 9:12:05

QUESTION: My famele husky is in heat. For how long? and how long after that will she be in heat again?
Also meanwhile my male husky has been really agresive toward my husband, never before he has acted like this.
Is it because the female husky is in heat?

ANSWER: Heat cycle can last from 21 to 28 days. Usually they go into heat every 6 months. It depends on the age she is when she went into heat (6 months old =heat every 6 months 15months old = heat every 15 months  8 months old = heat every 8 months ect)
Yes the aggressiveness comes from the female being in heat the longer the heat goes on the more frustrated the male will get. When the girl is ready to breed (in most cases) she will bark non-stop and try desperately to get to the male. One of my friends has a female that ripped right through the drywall, but not before ripping part of the door and carpet apart. She also has a male that can bend the metal poles on kennel sections like pretzels, and break the chain link fencing with his teeth, to try and get to the female. This is why I highly suggest getting a female spayed if you do not intend on breeding, it just helps keep your sanity. You will find the female will get very "bitchy" (snappy moody) also. -Michelle B ^^

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QUESTION: Can I spayed her while she is in heat? My male husky has lost his appetite. Is because the female is in heat?

ANSWER: They can be spayed while in heat, but a vet usually won't do it because the fact it is easier for them to bleed to death.
Yes your male will not eat till she is out of heat. One thing I do with my boy is take him for a car ride (without the female) to McDonalds, sometimes he will eat sometimes not. But it is better then nothing.
-Michelle B ^^

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QUESTION: What is a good age to breed my dog,she's a siberian Husky

Never breed a dog unless it has been health; tested. CERF and OFA are the most important. This breed is one of the healthiest out there. The reasonability of breeder is to be sure they aren't breeding sick dogs. Most of the time you can't tell they have cataracts and mild hip displays. This is also protecting yourself, because even if you are not a breeder if you sell a product (this is how the courts view a sold animal.) that is damaged or sick with a genetic disease you can be sued for the price of treatment. (It is around 5,000 USD for 1 hip replacement, that is 10,00 USD for a complete hip replacement just because you sold a $200 puppy, that the parents weren't health cleared. Knee replacements are around the same price. OFA''s can be done after a dog turns 2.
 Also the female dogs bones aren't totally developed till they are 2 years old. It would be really hard to  carry puppies before then.
-Michelle B