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Housebreaking Nightmare!

20 9:11:31

QUESTION: I have a 7 month old Siberian Husky which I have been unable to housebreak. I got her at 6 weeks old, she had giardia. We had to paper train her because she was going so often she couldn't help herself and get outside in time. It took us over two months to get her over the parasites (she was badly infested!). Now she will go potty outside sometimes, and then the next time she has to go potty, she will go in the house. Sometimes she will potty in the house less than 5 minutes from coming in from outside. She just goes wherever she happens to be. Yet she won't go on walks, or at the park. Today we went for a 2 hour long hike, and she waited till we got home to go. She even went potty on the couch several times. There is no physical or medical cause. I have tried everything! I am about to loose my mind!

ANSWER: The problem with using potty pads is that they start to think you WANT them to go in the house. You will have to place a potty pad out doors for her to start relating to the proper spot. If she doesn't get it you will have to slowly move the potty pad toward the door then outside. Keeping her crated when you can't give her your full attention will help you also. So hopefully she is crate trained, otherwise you will have to work at this also.
I know you said there is no medical reason for this, but I have to ask, no Diabetes or UTI?
Any more questions just ask!
-Michelle B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yep, we've had her checked out by a vet. There is no medical reason behind her problem. There hasn't been a potty pad in the house for months now. At first I tried moving the potty pad outside, she would wait until we came back in the house and go on the bare floor. The potty pad was always right next to the door. We tried crate training her, she would just potty right in the crate, all over her pillow. I hated to start her out in life with the potty pads, for the reason you mentioned, but with her parasites as bad as they were I had no choice. I've had Huskies before, but nothing like this has ever happened. I have never cleaned up so many messes in my life.

I have a husky like this. When in her crate, leave nothing in her crate, no pillow, no toy nothing. She might try peeing in her crate just so you take her out. When she does this (now this sounds mean) leave her in the crate with the pee for 5 mins AFTER she stops whining, this way it impresses upon her the unpleasantness of what she just done. (If she does this again repeat the exercise.) If you keep the crate empty she won't do it again (She won't be able to have anything absorbent in there for the rest of her life.) That way it opens up the crate for use as a training tool again. Make sure you clean the crate very, very well each time she does this so it doesn't smell like pee.
Once you open up the crate you will juggle her from outside to crate till she does her business. If she pees in the house she goes strait into the crate, not outside. This way she isn't peeing on the floor just to go outside. Some huskies do this. They can be manipulating dogs, because they are so smart.
 It sounds to me she is using her potty to get her way. My Amari was this way, she found out it doesn't work so she cut it out. Your girl will possibly try it again in the future just to see if it works again.
Any more Q's please ask!
-Michelle B