Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > strange husky behavior

strange husky behavior

20 9:10:58

QUESTION: Hello I rescued what is almost now my 2 year old husky about 6 months ago..I have a few questions.. she is on the smaller side of huskies and weighs about 55lbs, do you think this is normal..she looks a little over weight but i've never had such a fluffy dog. Next she is very loving always waning to cuddle but on specific night when we leave her alone downstairs she decides to chew on specific things I can tell in the morning by her talking that she had done something wrong, is she looking for attention or just board.. i usually give her a bone but i do not want to spend the money and get her fat by giving her one every night. And my last question... I take her outside a lot and to a dog park.. i've been looking at flea and tick tropicals like K9 Advantix or frontline.. would you happen to know what would be most effective for her. Thanks!!

ANSWER: Sorry for the delay in writing back - sometimes they don't mention there are questions waiting.  A 55 lbs. female husky according to the "standard" would actually be slightly overweight - they are supposed to be 35-50 lbs..  Keep in mind that this is the SHCA (and therefore AKC) standard, so if your dog wasn't bred to that standard, it's really only just a suggestion.  Sibes, having so much hair, actually look bigger than they are, but your best thing to do is to make sure you can see a waistline and feel the ribs (although it will take a little work to get through the fur).

As for chewing, Sibes are very intelligent, and very active, so my guess is she is just getting bored.  You may want to try some bitter apple spray on things that she's not supposed to chew on, and other than that, just try to wear her out and keep her active.  Finally, I've used Frontline for a while and have had no issues.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks so much! I have a new issue that has come about with her. I have never really taken her swimming and we are now just trying to start running everyday together.. as I said I though she was a few pounds overweight. She went in the pool with me both days this weekend and did great though she got tired after each couple of minutes swimming. When we got her out and I walked her that night she seemed to be limping her back leg but would still wag her tail when getting pet etc. and this morning was an even worse limp but on her back leg. Is there anyway she may have either pulled a muscle or was just sore from the previous weekends activity? I know I limp after a good workout. I'm a swimming coach and actually one of the experts on this site's sports section but i dont know about her muscles.

They really are very similar to ours, so it is entirely possible she is sore, but also possible she pulled something.  I would keep her to gentle activity (walking) for several days and see if it improves.  If you see she is in pain and it isn't improving, a trip to the vet for a more thorough check is warranted.  But my guess, she maybe strained something and is a little sore now.  Give her a few days and she should be back in business.