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What color is my husky?

20 9:12:22

I've had my Sibe Skye for over a year now, and I've always wondered what the technical term for her coloring is. On her pedigree it lists her as a simple gray and white, but I've always thought otherwise. At first I thought she was a very light or diluted red/copper, but I read that that was genetically impossible because of the black/gray markings she has. I've also read about dilute blacks that look a bit like her, as well Isabella.

Here are some poorly taken pictures of her.

Also, if it helps any, when she was a puppy she was primarily the cream/buff color with a very minimal amount of gray markings, which darkened and spread as she grew older.

Thank you for your time, any help is appreciated. Ever since I got my two huskies, I've been very intrigued by their various colors and markings, as well as the genetics behind them, so not knowing the color of my own dog sort of gets to me.

She is a sable. My Aysumi is the same color. To learn more on a huskies color please visit
The photos where very helpful. She has cream/red undercoat with black tips on her guard hairs.
If the undercoat was yellow with the black grey tips she would be considered a Wolf Grey.
If you have anymore questions please ask!
-Michelle B ^^