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Training My Puppy

20 9:12:41

QUESTION: Got a month and half yrs old male sibe puppy 3 days ago 6/20/07 and just wanted few tips about training commands. I live in an apartment so it wasnt hard to potty train him, he now do all his necessities in the balcony but next to his bed (no crate or kennel) theres always news papers to prevent accidents... We bond very well but he doesnt come sometimes when i call him, i tried successfully SIT command but ive realize they can forget very easy Lol anyway i want some tips for COME command before i start training COME... ohh and some tips for leash training will be great too, im gonna start leash training in 2 weeks when he gets 2 months old, thnks in advance.

ANSWER: Training is a long process and there are several approaches.  My suggestion is if you are already going to start training, then go that route.  With as many different methods and approaches as are out there, I wouldn't want to suggest things that might run counter to what you are going to be paying for.  However, keep in mind that Siberians are very independent and free-willed thinking dogs.  In addition, recall is shady at best with this breed, so the COME command is difficult to train, and not reliable in many Siberians.  My guess is that the dog isn't forgetting, it's choosing . . . which Siberians are well known for.

My general method of training COME is that the dog first must have a reliable Sit-Stay or Down-Stay.  You work the Come command from that position, having the dog on long lead (tether) and basically reel it in, giving pet and praise for coming to you.  It should be a very excited, happy exercise in which you encourage the dog to run as fast and as hard as it can to you, the anxiously loving owner.  Unlike other commands, COME is the most praised as you don't want the dog to think there is anything better than coming to you.  For other commands, the dog simply knows it needs to do these actions.

As for leash-training, I recommend against slip/choke chains only because they are too often misused and often shave the fur on the side of the neck even if used properly.  The prong collars are generally easier to use, more effective and, when used properly, extraordinarily humane in working with the dog.  I use the pop correction method on a standard 6' lead.  If you are unfamiliar with this method, let me know and I can walk you through it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Nope i dont know that method, im gonna train the dog myself... ive already bought a harness since i post the question, the leash training ive got in mind is to use a long rope and let the puppy go by himself and i'll walk so if he runs somewhere, i'll just keep the rope steady so he will get a pull, and repeat this until he gets the idea that its safer to walk by my side. Lemme know ur opinion about this method.  Thanks and regards.

The only effective method of leash training I've found is the following:

Prong collar - harnesses are designed to be pulled against.
6' Lead

Walk the dog, when it gets to the end of the lead, correct it.  The dog should receive a correction every time it's at the end of the lead and pulling, with the idea as you mentioned, that the dog learns it is better to be by you than away from you.  The correction should be a quick pop and release of the collar with the leash.  Their should NEVER be continued tension on the collar and neck of the dog.  This method, done correctly, usually leash trains a dog within about a week, although immediate results are usually seen in about 5 minutes.