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husky pup aggresion

20 9:09:10

hello there i have just bought a white siberian huski last week and are having a few problems with aggresion from her .first of she seemed well behaved when we got her home but then she cralled behind my tv cabinet and when my wife or i tried to get her out she growled and snapped at us she also did this when she cralled under the bed the next day and also growled at my 3 year old son the first few times she did this was when she was trapped or cornered but more recently she is doing it more with my wife and son but no longer when she is cornered .like today my wife grabed her collar and she snapped told her to move out of front room and she growled she is also aggresive towards my 3 year old son when he is a bit to heavy handed when petting her or while she is feeding please help i am not sure what to do with her she is starting to worry my wife also she has not done it with me since i first got her i also have 2 germen shepard one at 3 and half years old and one just under two and never had any aggresion from them and they are well trained thank you and hope to hear from you soon

You didn't mention the age of the dog or where you got it from, so it's tough to give you clear direction, but the overall idea of anything is the same.  Training . . . and lots of it.  Until that happens, keep your son away from her and supervise all interactions just to be careful.  Chances are, the Sibe simply doesn't have any boundaries yet, and you will have to help teach her those boundaries.  Also, get your wife involved in the obedience training and make sure your are doing everything to help establish that you, your wife and your son are in charge of things and set the rules.  The dog will eventually figure that out and should be less aggressive.

If you don't have experience dealing with stubborn and potentially aggressive dogs, I strongly suggest you find a professional trainer immediately.  Some of the tricks are difficult to explain over email or the internet, but can easily be shown in person and applied.  And they also can fix problems in days if not hours.  But the most important piece of advice I can give is lots of obedience training (sits, downs, stays, heels, etc.)  Make the dog work for every meal, pet, play time, etc.  And work can be a sit, a stay, a down, just some command to help establish the hierarchy.  Also, it needs to be consistent from you, your wife (and eventually, your son as you get things in more control).

Good luck and if you can provide some more specific info on the dog's age, background, etc., I might be able to help a little more.